Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday Sermon......... A Bonds Society

As disgusting as Barry Bonds is by making a mockery of Baseball, it's even more pathetic that fans in San Francisco are in complete denial of his use of Andro, the Cream and the clear stuff. His Stats are without logical explanation other than the one given in "Game of Shadows". But bashing Barry Bonds is getting tired with this musician. I started the petition to remove Barry Bonds from Baseball basically just to give myself the feeling of "having done something". It's painful enough to just stand by and watch the "FREAK SHOW". I've decided that I will attempt to deal with things that enrage me (yet are out of my control) by doing something that might be constructive. In the end, it's not what we accomplish, but the feeling of helplessness that we are able to rid ourselves of.

But it occured to me that we are living in a "Barry Bonds" society. We're living in a society that sees shame in getting caught, not committing the crime. Stephen Covey teaches us that there are natural "Principals" that govern the universe. These principals are not central to any one religion, they're in all religions. A good example of a universal principal is, "treat your customer with respect". In ANY culture, customers that are treated with respect are more likely to return than customers that are treated with disrespect. With this in mind, consider what Covey calls "The law of the farm". The law of the farm refers to the agricultural principals involved in raising a crop. You can't neglect a field all season, then throw some seeds out in the fall, water it for a day, then expect a bountiful crop the next day. Unlike what we'll refer to as the "law of the school".

In college, it's very possible to show up on the first day of class, figure out how the teacher grades, and address that criteria only. For example; if she grades on tests only, do I really need to show up for class? If she grades on attendance and lectures, do I really need to buy the book? All I need to do is find out how she grades and "do it". In doing so, I can get a passing grade and deny myself of an education.

On the farm, there are no short cuts.

Barry Bonds and a host of other shortcutters, found that hitting 40 homeruns a year wasn't good enough. In the book "Game of Shadows" Bonds allegedly took massive doses of non-detectable designer steroids from his train Greg Anderson. Anderson plead guilty to buying steroids from Victor Conte, the president of Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative. (Balco). Yet thousands of San Francisco fans are telling themselves that as long as Barry never tested positive, then he never took steroids inspite of grand jury testimony and eye witness statements. You see, until he gets caught, IT'S OK. That's what people tell themselves when they cheat on their taxes. That's why people jump on the brake pedal when they see a highway patrolman in their rearview mirror. Let's take it a step further, our society wants to support the theory that, "if nobody gets hurt, it shouldn't be a crime". The truth is, hurt occurs in a trickle down fashion.

Example, If I choose to overdose on speed and kill myself, what harm is done to others? Does this exclude the drive by shootings that are a result of turf wars between drug dealers? Does it exclude the I.D. theft that is perpetrated by crystal meth addicts who have nothing better to do than to roam neighborhoods robbing mailboxes in hopes of grabbing a bankstatement? Does this exclude the women that prostitute their bodies to make money to support their habits? Does this exclude the STDs that are passed on as a result of the same prostitution?

San Francisco fans are quick to "rationalize" things saying, Babe Ruth played in an era that banned black ball players. So Bonds did what he had to do to excel in his era, the "Juiced" era. The problem is that although hundreds used steroids, there were hundreds that didn't. The ones that refused to abuse their bodies were "over-shadowed" by the Synthetic Goliaths that made their careers at the end of a 23 gage hypodermic needle.

One chapter in "Game of Shadows" is entitiled "Cheat or lose". This same mentality is ubiquitous in our society. It's not umcommon to see many credit card holders run up their credit cards past their limits on numerous accounts with the intent of filing chapter 13. Insurance fraud is sky rocketing. People cheat their insurance companies and do so with a feeling of "entitlement".

The apostle Paul wrote in his 2nd letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:3)

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."

Monday, May 22, 2006

Sign My Petition

To get Bonds numbers removed from MLB's record books:


Sunday, May 21, 2006


Boycott Baseball. What is happening now, is worse than the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. The Rampant use of Steroids in Baseball (BARRY BONDS) is making the sport an absolute joke. While idiots in denial in the Bay Area pretend to root for their STeroid hero, millions are mourning the embarassment commissnioner Bud Selig is allowing to tarnish the greatness of Babe Ruth. Nobody spoke out when Bonds falsly passed his God father Willie Mays, So this is not a racist comment.

Bud Selig is a mere puppet that caves in to the owner's needs and wants. He looked like the ultimate goon when he testified before congress.

714 is still the pure record for 2nd place. I suggest that you boycott baseball games until Bonds inflated numbers are withdrawn from the books.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I remember when gas was .29 cents a gallon. When I first got my drivers permit, I use to fill up my 1968 Mercury Cougar with GAs at twenty nine cents a gallon. The service station (as they were called back then) attendants use to wear uniforms and officer caps. They would check under the hood. NOT ASK YOU IF YOU WANTED THEM TO. They'd check the air in your tires. Your battery water. Your radiator water. Wash your windows and windshields (front and back) Then give you stamps you could redeem at a catalog store. * I got my first baseball glove with bluechip stamps.

Today I'm riding my mountain bike thru silicon valley. My tires are a little low on air. So I pull into the first "Gas Station" I see , A Chevron, .50 for air. The same at Shell, Valero, and Arco. Why or How can they charge $3.50 a gallon for gas then have the cahones to charge .50 for air.


Why People Marry........................

These are some interesting speculations on what makes people marry each other:
(not in any order)
1. Sex , This is like buying a 747 jumbo liner because you like peanuts.
2. Money. I've heard, that old money marries old money. That's how 70 per cent of the wealth in this country is inherited.
3. Lonliness . Listen to the song "Personal Jesus"
4. It's our culture and what we grew up understanding. In fact, if you don't get married, there must be something defective about you. Right? (sarcasim here)
5. I need a maid.
6. I need someone to bury me. Believe it or not, many believe that there will be noone to put them in the ground if they die alone.
7. Love and Lust.
8. To have children
9. A public/symbolic statement of your dedication to another person.
10. The yin to your yang.
11. A tax deduction
12. To get health benefits
13. For citizenship
14. To replace the loss of a parent
15. To try and fix that parent thru someone else
16. As a form of rebellion. (Kids, take my advice, it's not worth it)
17. To have a date on federal Holidays.
18. Someone to babysit my kids from my first marriage.
19. Someone to remind me when I'm driving too fast or the AC is too cold.
20. Because they want to obey the commandments of the Bible and not live in Sin.

Why People Marry........................

These are some interesting speculations on what makes people marry each other:
(not in any order)
1. Sex , This is like buying a 747 jumbo liner because you like peanuts.
2. Money. I've heard, that old money marries old money. That's how 70 per cent of the wealth in this country is inherited.
3. Lonliness . Listen to the song "Personal Jesus"
4. It's our culture and what we grew up understanding. In fact, if you don't get married, there must be something defective about you. Right? (sarcasim here)
5. I need a maid.
6. I need someone to bury me. Believe it or not, many believe that there will be noone to put them in the ground if they die alone.
7. Love and Lust.
8. To have children
9. A public/symbolic statement of your dedication to another person.
10. The yin to your yang.
11. A tax deduction
12. To get health benefits
13. For citizenship
14. To replace the loss of a parent
15. To try and fix that parent thru someone else
16. As a form of rebellion. (Kids, take my advice, it's not worth it)
17. To have a date on federal Holidays.
18. Someone to babysit my kids from my first marriage.
19. Someone to remind me when I'm driving too fast or the AC is too cold.
20. Because they want to obey the commandments of the Bible and not live in Sin.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quote of the Day..................

We are not what we are.
We are not what others think we are.
We are what we think others think we are.

What Bush Should have said:

GW's speech last night was an insulting farce. This is what he should have said


Monday, May 15, 2006

Get your HEAD SHRUNK.....................

My Wife happened upon a great book this weakend written by Helen Palmer entitled "Enneagrams" I strongly reccomend you cancel your subscription to whatever Horoscope service you are reading, this is the real thing.

It's a circle that "gram" that has nine (ennea) personality traits in it. Now I've taken the Carnagie sales course that talks about assertive/responsive personalities, but this concept (taken from the Sufi culture) Nails it. When I finally found out what point on the gram represented me, it was like reading my autobiography without the names and dates. It pointed out simple things that I do, that I'm barely aware of, and explains them. The good news is, there is a plethora of information online about the enneagrahm. I reccomend that you go to this site and take the Personality questionarre.

Then go out and buy both of Helen Palmer's books. There's an introductory level book for the lay person called "The Enneagram made Easy" written by Renee Baron. It's sort of a "Enneagram for Dummies" type of book. (Lots of cartoons)

But if people can study the basic personality traits of not only themselves, but there mates or co-workers, you'll be able to establish a much healthier environment.
I paid about 35 bucks for both of Helen Palmer's books at Barnes and Nobles. And it's a bargain. You'll read stuff that you keep locked up in the back of your mind. It's not a feel good/warm and fuzzy self hellp book. It's a cold slap in the face "Look at YOU !!!!!" type of book.

My reccomendation is that you start with Helen Palmer's book "The Enneagram" then read the others. If you do a search for Enneagram in Yahoo and Google, you'll get many helpful and many not so helpful sites. The one I listed above with the questionare is one of the best websites I've come across. But my point being, read various resouces so you can be confident about which point of the enneagram represents you. You may possess behavioral patterns of several, but when you read the background or "etiology" of what makes you "insecure" or "extroverted" etc.... you'll find that you fit into one point snug enough, and may have influence from the "wing" point. (or adjacent point).

Grab this knowledge. You'll thank me big time for it.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Sermon - The Da Vinci code..........

Mark my words. The Da Vinci code (a blasphemist movie) will gross zillions. For those of you not familiar with the plot, it's a fictional story that claims that Jesus the Christ, was just a human and was married to Mary Magdelin, Then moved to France to escape the Romans and that it was the 3rd century church that invented the supposed lies about his resurrection. Tremendously blasphemist movie.

Mark my words. This will be the beginning of the end of Tom Hanks as an actor, or anything except possibly just another rich man.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Homeland Security

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Quote from..................

The late great Johnny Cochrane esq.

"The color of Justice in America isn't about Black or White; It's GREEN."

Friday, May 05, 2006

Drunken Democrats and rehab warriors

I think Patrick Kennedy; excuse me , congressman Kennedy, has Rush Limbaugh's sympathy. Sort of. It seems this has been a real bad year for being a congressman. Congress woman Kinney slaps a whitehouse security cop. 2 republicans get indited. Another democrat is going before a grand jury. It seems that the party of corruption as Barbara Boxer called the republicans isn't limited to the color red.

Speaking rehab warriors, Congressman Patrick Kennedy isn't the only one jonesing these days, apparently Keef has figured out the heroine and Palm trees are a deadly combination. Altho Keef's publicist said Keith Richards has vowed to give up alcohol and smokes, we doubt there will be an end to the escapades until he decides to give up Heroine.

Today is Cinco de Mayo. I guess in the interest of the guest worker program, I'll go out for Chinese food tonight. Hey, burritoes, Mushuu what the heck. ya know?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


OK, well, you have to see MSDC for what it is. It's a brilliant marketing tool as well as a sleazy pick-up chat room. I have friends (real ones) that have started and deleted their sites as I have. Actually I deleted mine twice. BUT, then if you can get past the sleaze, You'll find people like NEIL YOUNG, and TOM PETTY on MSDC. In the end, it's all about exposure. Whether you're a fledgling band looking for new fans, or an old geezer looking to sell more records (I wish) or somewhere in between ;-) It's a good spot to upload your music and let it be heard. If it makes people happy, cool. And you might even make some new friends (cyber) along the way.

As with anything that has anything to do with the "innernet" Be careful and trust no-one. Except me of course. lol........ just kidding.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Living with War - A note to Neil Young

Living with War

Note to my friend Neil Young. Neil, It doesn't take 2 entities fighting to be at war. The easiest way to lose/win a war is when only one entity is fighting. We will be at war if our troops are deployed or not. Better there than here.

PS. Keep selling those albums bud.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A day without Illegal Aliens.............

My day was excellent. I went to the Walmart that I swore I would never go back to because of the inability to find someone that spoke english. It was delightful. The traffic was normal. It felt like a bay area day 25 years ago.

Don't, I REPEAT, don't confuse my distaste of Illegal Alians with honorable Mexican immigrants. What is congress going to say to the honest immigrants on a waiting list to get in to our country, when they want to give "Amnesty" to those that cut in the front of the line by breaking the law. And don't you just hate the act of cutting in line?

This has not only exposed the unlawful Mexican but the unlawful fat cat in big business that pads their profit margins by paying 10 bucks an hour vs. 16. And the biggest joke is, once the illegals get their citizenship, they'll get get fired for the newest batch of illegals that will come in and work for 10 bucks an hour.

Cesar Chavez was boldly against illegals working in the farming business. He wanted a better life for those US citizens (mostly hispanic) that wanted to work in the field. He tried to stop workers from dying from dehydration. And he also fought for reputible wages. Unfortunately his granddaughter is bastardizing the family name to use politics to gain citizenship for 12 million fellons.

I say Go to the end of the line. File for Citizenship like good immigrants do.

You can write your congressman now and tell them, enforce the current laws. Take away medical care for illegals and public education. They will go back by themselfs if you take away those two perks alone.

Sadly, Both sides have racist motives for a simple problem. There is nothing wrong with immigration or the current immigration program. IF IT EVER GETS ENFORCED.