Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter All and Sunday Morning Sermon...........

Corrine and I had our usual Easter traditional dinner. Lloyd's Baby back bar-B-Qued Ribs, San Francisco Potato Salad, and sweet kernneled corn. yuummmmmmmmmmmm. This tradition goes back about 10 years or so. When I was raising my yongest son Kyle by myself, we use to have the traditional Turkey at Thanksgiving and a Ham at Christmas. Then usually a Ham at Easter. So one year, I think it was 97 or 98 I asked Kyle what he wanted instead of Ham, cuz I was sick of the usual Ham Easter and Ham Christmas. We both decided on BarBQued Ribs. So we eat Ribs 3 times a year. On Christmas, Easter and My Birthday. Thanksgiving is still a Turkey, (gotta be) and New Years Day we do sort of a soul food/German thing. The Germans believe Kraut will bring you good luck. Of course the soulfood menue says green leafy veggies brings green leafy currency. So our typical New Years Day meal consists of Hebrew Kosher dinner Franks, with Kraut. Black eye Peas, and Collard greens. Personally the collards are my favorite. You can also do the breaded cut Okra, but leafy is better.

Anyways, Happy Easter All. REmember it's not about the Chocolate Bunny Rabbit. It's about your Savior that hung on a cross with spikes driven thru his hands and feet. All this after being scorged by cat-o-9 tails. (if you don't know what I'm talking about, rent "The Passion of the Christ") But eat first.

Our Church, the Church of Christ, had it's usual Sunday morning sermon. I think the topic this morning was about living a public Christian Life. The Church was it's usual half full occupancy. You see we don't do the rock band/choir/child care thing that attracts the person that really doesn't want to know Christ. We are a grass roots 1st century Church. There's plenty of Churchs that have named their buildings after people other than God or Christ where you can go to catch the "Bunny" show. (eg, Lutherans, Baptists,Presbyterians,Calvin etc......) John the Baptist did not die for your sins.

As for Easter and the Resurrection? We honor Christ every Sunday with the Lord's supper. Acts 20:7 "And on the first day of the week when we gathered together to break bread..........." You see the resurrection of Christ is the most important thing that's ever happened to Mankind. So we acknowledge it every Sunday. Not just in April. I think Target summed up the average person's viewpoint of Easter. "It's All About Bunny Business" That's their Easter Slogan. lol.......

Anyways, the ribs were good. The morning service was great as usual. I look forward to the evening service. Hope to see you there.

Church of Christ Rembrandt Road in Sunnyvale California



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